Chance to find lockbox 10% |
| Iron | chance to find artifact 1%, magic book 2% |
| Tin | chance to find artifact 2%, magic book 4% |
| Lead | chance to find artifact 3%, magic book 6% |
| Silver | chance to find artifact 4%, magic book 8% |
| Gold | chance to find artifact 5%, magic book 10% |
| Platinium | chance to find artifact 6%, magic book 12% |
| Steel | chance to find artifact 7%, magic book 14% |
| Mithril | chance to find artifact 8%, magic book 16% |
| Truesilver | chance to find artifact 9%, magic book 18% |
| Thorium | chance to find artifact 10%, magic book 20% |
| Felsteel | chance to find artifact 11%, magic book 22% |
| Darkiron | chance to find artifact 12%, magic book 24% |
| Feliron | chance to find artifact 13%, magic book 26% |
| Elementium | chance to find artifact 14%, magic book 28% |
| Etherium | chance to find artifact 15%, magic book 30% |
| Khorium | chance to find artifact 16%, magic book 32% |